New in V4.3.5: “Audio Recordings” and “Voice Input”

I am thrilled to introduce two new features: “Voice Input for Self-Expression” and “Pronunciation Audio Recording”

📼Pronunciation Audio Recordings

Now, in the chatbox, you’ll find a new microphone button. Instead of just typing your responses to Lu’s prompts, try speaking them out loud.

Pronunciation Audio Recordings
  • Record yourself attempting a pronunciation challenge,
  • Targeted Refinement: Identify specific areas where your pronunciation could improve by using both the audio, and the colored feedback. Then re-record, again comparing to the native speaker
  • Download Your Audio: Any of your audios anytime to share and review with outers

🙊Voice Input for Self-Expression

Here’s how the new recording feature supercharges your pronunciation practice:

“Voice Input for Self-Expression”
  • Practice Out Loud: Now alongside the chatbox, you’ll find a new microphone button. Instead of just typing, practice saying your responses to Lu’s prompts out loud.
  • Guided Speaking: Lu’s challenges help you put sentences together on the spot, forcing you to think about word order and grammar the way you would in real conversations.
  • Review & Refine: Once your speech is transcribed, take a moment to review the text version. Did you make some small errors you can easily correct?

Sneak Peek: Upcoming Personalized Pronunciation Guidance

  • Imagine This: Soon, LingoStand won’t just show you how words are pronounced, it will analyze your recording and provide tailored feedback to help you overcome your specific challenges!.
  • Stay Tuned: This feature is still in development, but we think it will be ready in 1 to 2 weeks!



