From Scared Immigrant Kid to Language App Creator: My Learning Journey

Picture this: I’m a 12-year-old kid thrown into an American school, desperately trying to understand and speak in English. Books were my friends, I liked learning at my own pace through stories, but speaking was so hard! My grammar was backwards and my pronunciation was terrible. My writting improved as I went to school with the natives and was forced to write.

I wasn’t exactly the more popular, I was scared a lot of the time of so many things that constantly went wrong with my communication.

I used a dictionary that was like a calulculator that I carried everywhere 😅. We only stayed one year, but it felt like 5 years. At the end I had learned a lot of English, but there was still a long way to have my English evolve in a level to work professionally

I am also an Engineer, and have built and solved around performance and optimization problems for 16 years. How can it be faster, cheaper and with less resources? how to scale it?

I know there are a lot of language learning apps, and I am no language teacher, but I know about needing to learn a language as an inmigrant kid, and as a professional, learning it, and I know about process optimization… These have been around all my life.

I believe I can create a new method embedded into a web app to materialize a learning experience adaptable for everyone, using cutting edge tech like NLP and Gen AI, and old school deterministic programming.

Advanced technology can be used to make us better, to grow, to learn in different ways, to adapt to times.

I am building LingoStand to help you learn faster, cheaper and with less resources, and without all the FEAR, but mostly through JOY…. and then scale it to as many people as possible so they can benefit, of a personalized learning experience

It would mean a lot to me if you gave me your feedback. If you are interested in learning a language, please sign up and test the app at and give me your feedback, it means a lot to me and to our current user base, to get your valuable perspective on how to make this experience better for more people.



