Strategic Roadmap for Innovating Language Learning with LingoStand: Prioritizing Multimodal Analysis and Scenario-Based Practice

Written by Ernesto Buttó, co-authored with GPT4o, took about 6h of iterations

Executive Summary

Reason for Analysis: The analysis was needed to determine which feature to work on next, as both features show significant potential.


Feature 1 (Language Awareness through Multimodal Analysis) was prioritized because it leverages existing functionalities and requires lower initial development efforts, an potentially less effort to turn into revenue.

Feature 2 (Scenario-Based Language Practice) is way more exciting to me and seems to offer higher long term value, in a less crowded market (for now). It leverages on our exisiting technology and on the paper and prompts described in Instructors as Innovators by Ethan R. Mollick and Lilach Mollick.

Feature Descriptions

Feature 1: Language Awareness through Multimodal Analysis

Description: This feature provides users with detailed, actionable feedback on their spoken language by analyzing audio and video inputs. It enhances pronunciation and overall communication skills by offering personalized feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and sentence structure. Additionally, the feature provides feedback on body language, facial expressions, and emotions, utilizing multimodal analysis to offer a comprehensive assessment of communication skills. Users can upload their audio or video files, receive feedback, and practice key sentences with the help of an interactive interface.

Feature 2: Scenario-Based Language Practice

Description: This feature offers immersive, real-life scenarios tailored to specific language functions, helping users practice and improve their language skills in practical contexts. It is designed to simulate real-life interactions, such as asking for directions or making a transaction, and provides immediate feedback through a chat-like experience. Users can customize scenarios based on their needs, enhancing both the relevance and effectiveness of the practice. This feature is particularly valuable for immigrants, educational institutions, and professionals seeking to improve their language proficiency in specific contexts.

Decision Table

FeatureDevelopment Efforts Phase 1User Acquisition Efforts Phase 1Potential
Feature 1: Language Awareness through Multimodal AnalysisLowMedium to HighImmediate feedback on pronunciation and grammar; high demand in corporate training and professional development.
Feature 2: Scenario-Based Language PracticeMediumHighPractical, immersive language practice scenarios; high engagement and relevance for immigrants and educational institutions.

Comprehensive Plan for Developing and Monetizing Language Learning Features


This plan outlines the development and monetization strategy for two innovative language learning features: Language Awareness through Multimodal Analysis (Feature 1) and Scenario-Based Language Practice (Feature 2). The approach focuses on leveraging the strengths of each feature to deliver value quickly and sustainably grow the user base.

Market Size and Value

  • Global Language Learning App Market: Valued at approximately $3.147 billion in 2021 and projected to reach $16.63 billion by 2031, with a CAGR of 16.38%【132†source】【133†source】.
  • Online Language Learning Market: Estimated at $11.80 billion in 2023, projected to grow to $39.50 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 18.84%【136†source】.

Feature 1: Language Awareness through Multimodal Analysis

Objective: Provide users with detailed, actionable feedback on their spoken language through audio and video analysis, enhancing pronunciation and overall communication skills.

Potential Audiences:

  • Corporate training programs
  • Professionals seeking accent reduction
  • Public speaking coaches
  • Individuals preparing for language proficiency tests

Market Competition:

  • Babbel: Offers speech recognition technology for pronunciation feedback but lacks comprehensive analysis of video content.
  • Rosetta Stone: Provides pronunciation feedback through speech recognition but focuses more on immersive language learning without detailed video analysis.
  • Speechify: Primarily focused on pronunciation and reading aloud without integrating comprehensive grammar and sentence structure feedback.

Market Gap:

  • Comprehensive multimodal analysis, including body language and facial expressions, is not extensively covered by existing solutions.
  • Detailed, personalized feedback on both pronunciation and sentence structure through integrated audio and video analysis.

Phase 1: Initial Launch and Feedback

Development Efforts: Low

Core Functionality:

  • Enable users to upload audio or video files.
  • Analyze content and provide feedback on pronunciation.
  • Output one key sentence for practice.

Already Built Functionality:

  • Interactive interface for listening to the sentence, understanding grammar, translating words, and recording practice sessions.
  • Backend processing for sending recordings to multimodal LLM.

User Acquisition Efforts

Effort TypeDescriptionEffort LevelNotes
Professional NetworksUtilize LinkedIn to connect with corporate HR managers and training departments.MediumRequires creating and managing LinkedIn outreach campaigns.
PartnershipsCollaborate with language schools and corporate training programs.HighBuilding and maintaining partnerships requires significant effort.
Content MarketingPublish articles and case studies highlighting the benefits of pronunciation practice.MediumEffort involves writing and distributing content.
Beta TestingRelease to a small user group to gather initial feedback.LowManaging a beta test group and collecting feedback is less intensive.

  • Professional Networks: Medium effort is required to leverage LinkedIn for connecting with key stakeholders in corporate HR and training departments.
  • Partnerships: High effort is necessary to establish and maintain collaborations with language schools and corporate training programs.
  • Content Marketing: Medium effort involves creating and distributing relevant content to attract and educate potential users.
  • Beta Testing: Low effort for managing a small group of initial users and collecting their feedback to refine the product.

This table helps to identify and prioritize the key user acquisition activities for Phase 1 of Feature 1, ensuring efficient use of resources and targeted outreach.


Monetization StrategyDescriptionEffort LevelNotesSell to Consumers (B2C)
Subscription ModelsOffer monthly or yearly subscription plans with access to premium features.MediumRequires setting up payment systems and managing subscriptions.Yes
One-Time PaymentsAllow users to make a one-time purchase for full access or specific features.LowEasier to implement than subscription models, but less recurring revenue.Yes
Freemium ModelProvide a free tier with basic features and charge for premium features.HighRequires careful balancing of free vs. paid features and additional marketing to convert free users.Yes
Corporate Sales OutreachApproach corporate clients and offer pilot programs or bulk subscriptions.HighInvolves creating tailored proposals, conducting sales meetings, and negotiating contracts.No
  • Subscription Models: Medium effort involves setting up and managing recurring payment systems, which provides steady revenue streams.
  • One-Time Payments: Low effort to implement, as it involves simple payment setup but results in less recurring revenue.
  • Freemium Model: High effort to balance the free and paid features, along with additional marketing efforts to convert free users to paying customers.
  • Corporate Sales Outreach: High effort required to tailor proposals, conduct sales meetings, and negotiate contracts, but offers potential for significant revenue from bulk subscriptions.

This table outlines the various monetization strategies for Phase 1 of Feature 1, helping to prioritize efforts and optimize revenue generation.


  • Immediate Value: Users receive quick, actionable feedback, enhancing their language skills.
  • Niche Market Fit: High demand in corporate training, accent reduction programs, and public speaking coaching.

Phase 2: Enhanced Feedback and Practice

Development Efforts: Unknown

  • Enhanced Feedback: Expand feedback to include grammar and sentence structure.
  • Comprehensive Practice: Allow users to practice entire content pieces like presentations.

User Engagement:

  • Iterative Refinement: Continuously improve based on user feedback.
  • Effort: Medium
  • Advanced Features: Integrate more sophisticated feedback mechanisms.
  • Effort: High

Feature 2: Scenario-Based Language Practice

Objective: Provide immersive, real-life scenarios tailored to specific language functions, helping users practice and improve their language skills in practical contexts.

Reference Material: Instructors as Innovators: a Future-focused Approach to New AI Learning Opportunities, With Prompts by Ethan R. Mollick and Lilach Mollick

Potential Audiences:

  • Immigrant integration programs
  • Educational institutions
  • Professional language training programs
  • Travel enthusiasts

Market Competition:

  • SBLA Lab: Focuses on contextualized language learning activities but lacks interactive, customizable scenarios for specific language functions.
  • Virtual Scenarios with Speech Recognition: Offers task-based spoken dialogues but may not provide detailed feedback on language use.
  • ELSA Speech Analyzer: Provides pronunciation feedback but does not offer comprehensive scenario-based practice.

Market Gap:

  • Immersive, customizable scenarios that provide detailed feedback on language functions specific to real-life contexts.
  • Interactive elements allowing users to adjust scenarios based on their needs, enhancing practical language use.

Phase 1: Basic Scenario Implementation

Development Efforts: Medium

Core Scenario: Develop a scenario for immigrants involving basic language functions:

  • Asking for directions.
  • Making a transaction.
  • Listening for and understanding instructions.
  • Describing something.

User Interaction:

  • Input: Text input via typing or speech-to-text tools.
  • Output: Text feedback for users to read and translate.
  • Immediate Feedback: Users must complete tasks correctly to progress.

Added Valued:

  • At the end of each simulation provide feedback about the: Progress and Areas that need more work for the user. Save the feedback
  • For each new simulation include the feedback of the past 3 sessions in the prompt template, so the simulation is taylored automatically for maximizing learning

User Acquisition Efforts:

Effort TypeDescriptionEffort LevelNotes
Community OutreachPartner with immigrant support organizations and educational institutions.HighRequires building and nurturing relationships with community organizations.
Digital MarketingUse SEO and targeted social media campaigns to reach potential users.MediumInvolves setting up and optimizing digital marketing campaigns.
User-Generated ContentEncourage users to create and share their own scenarios.MediumRequires creating tools for user content creation and incentivizing participation.
Beta TestingRelease the initial scenario to a small user group to gather feedback.LowManaging a beta test group and collecting feedback is less intensive.
  • Community Outreach: High effort needed to establish and maintain partnerships with immigrant support organizations and educational institutions. This involves significant relationship-building activities.
  • Digital Marketing: Medium effort to set up and optimize SEO and social media campaigns to attract and engage potential users.
  • User-Generated Content: Medium effort to develop tools for users to create and share content, as well as to incentivize and manage this participation.
  • Beta Testing: Low effort for managing a small group of initial users and collecting their feedback to refine the product.


Monetization StrategyDescriptionEffort LevelNotesSell to Consumers (B2C)
Subscription ModelsOffer monthly or yearly subscription plans with access to premium scenarios and features.MediumRequires setting up payment systems and managing subscriptions.Yes
One-Time PaymentsAllow users to make a one-time purchase for access to specific scenarios or features.LowEasier to implement than subscription models, but provides less recurring revenue.Yes
Freemium ModelProvide a free tier with basic scenarios and charge for access to premium scenarios and features.HighRequires balancing free and paid content and additional marketing to convert free users.Yes
Institutional LicensesOffer bulk access or licenses to educational institutions and organizations.HighInvolves creating tailored proposals, conducting sales meetings, and negotiating contracts with institutions.No

These tables now include an additional column indicating whether each monetization strategy can be sold directly to consumers (B2C). This distinction helps clarify the potential markets for each strategy.


  • Immediate Value: Practical application of language skills in realistic scenarios.
  • High Engagement: Interactive and customizable scenarios increase user engagement.

Phase 2: Expanded Scenarios and Customization

Development Efforts: Very High

  • Additional Scenarios: Develop more scenarios covering diverse language functions and contexts.
  • Customization: Allow users to adjust scenarios to fit their specific needs.

User Engagement:

  • Community Building: Foster a community where users can share and rate scenarios.
  • Effort: Medium
  • Gamification: Introduce elements like badges and leaderboards to enhance motivation.
  • Effort: Medium

Long-Term Vision

Integration and Expansion:

  • Feature Integration: Explore integrating the detailed feedback of Feature 1 into the scenario-based practice of Feature 2.
  • Effort: High
  • Comprehensive Learning Environment: Create a holistic platform that combines immediate feedback with contextual practice.
  • Effort: High

Community and Growth:

  • User Feedback Loop: Continuously gather and implement user feedback to refine features.
  • Effort: Medium
  • Scalability: Expand both features to cover advanced language skills and professional contexts.
  • Effort: High


By initially focusing on monetizing Feature 1, you can establish a revenue stream that supports the development of Feature 2. This phased approach ensures quick value delivery and sustainable growth, leveraging professional networks and partnerships for Feature 1 and community-driven engagement for Feature 2. This strategy balances immediate impact with long-term potential, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging language learning experience for users.



