Validated Learnings and Growth Strategies | 2023 (Q4) – 2024 (Q1)


As a web-only platform, we are constantly exploring innovative ways to enhance our application and provide our users with the most effective tools for mastering new languages. In line with this mission, we recently tested two distinct use cases designed to optimize the learning process through personalized and dynamic content. By leveraging the principles of The Lean Startup, we aimed to validate our hypotheses and identify the best strategies for fostering engagement and language acquisition.

Validated Learnings

In our exploration of optimizing language learning experiences in LingoStand, we tested two distinct use cases. Here are the validated learnings from each:

Use Case: Translating Personal Narratives and Repeating Them Out Loud


  • Users translate their own narratives (e.g., recounting weekend activities, presentations, or scripts).
  • Users practice repeating the translated narratives out loud.

Specific Language Functions:

  • Narrating: Direct practice in recounting personal events and stories.
  • Describing: Frequent descriptions within narratives help users practice this function.
  • Expressing Opinions and Emotions: Narratives often include opinions and emotional expressions.
  • Empathizing: Users can learn to express understanding and compassion through narrative contexts.
  • Practicing Presentations: Users rehearse presentations, which involves structuring speech coherently.

Validated Learnings:

  • Personal relevance is high as users create and translate their own content, which boosts engagement.
  • The ability to work with longer content makes the application more engaging and sticky, encouraging users to spend more time on it.
  • This approach builds confidence through structured practice of personally relevant content and cultural immersion.
  • Users who need to rehearse presentations or tell detailed stories found this feature particularly beneficial.

Use Case: Writing Short Sentences About Personal Experiences with Feedback in Native Language and Translation Options


  • Users write short sentences about their own experiences.
  • Receive feedback from an LLM chatbot in their native language.
  • Choose between the original sentence and two alternative phrasings.
  • Practice repeating the chosen sentence out loud.

Specific Language Functions:

  • Expressing Personal Experiences: Directly relevant to users’ lives, making practice more meaningful.
  • Receiving Feedback: Constructive feedback in their native language helps users understand corrections better.
  • Rephrasing: Teaches different ways to convey the same message, enhancing flexibility in language use.
  • Describing: Writing about experiences often involves descriptions.
  • Expressing Opinions and Emotions: Users naturally include their feelings and opinions in personal sentences.

Validated Learnings:

  • The personalized and interactive nature of this feature significantly enhances user engagement.
  • Immediate feedback in the user’s native language improves understanding and accelerates learning.
  • Offering multiple ways to express the same idea broadens vocabulary and enhances language flexibility.
  • This approach is highly relevant and immediately applicable, making it more appealing to both existing and new users.

Results Regarding the Engine of Growth

Our engine of growth for LingoStand relies heavily on creating a sticky product that encourages word-of-mouth recommendations. Here’s how each use case impacts this engine:

Translating Personal Narratives and Repeating Them Out Loud

  • Stickiness: High personal relevance and the ability to work with longer content make this feature particularly engaging, encouraging users to spend more time on the app.
  • Word of Mouth: Users who find this feature beneficial for rehearsing presentations or telling detailed stories are likely to recommend it to others with similar needs.

Writing Short Sentences About Personal Experiences with Feedback in Native Language and Translation Options

  • Stickiness: Personalized feedback and the ability to choose between different phrasings enhance user engagement and satisfaction, making the app more sticky.
  • Word of Mouth: The immediate applicability and interactive nature of this feature make it highly recommendable, especially to new users looking for effective and engaging language learning tools.


Both use cases provide significant value in terms of personal relevance and language skill development. The “Translating Personal Narratives and Repeating Them Out Loud” use case, with its feature of creating and practicing longer content, can make the application more immersive and sticky, encouraging users to spend more time practicing and engaging with the app. This can be particularly beneficial for users who want to rehearse presentations or tell detailed stories. The “Writing Short Sentences About Personal Experiences with Feedback in Native Language and Translation Options” use case offers enhanced engagement through interactive and personalized feedback in the user’s native language, which can be more appealing to both existing and new users.

Next Steps and Hypothesis

Leveraging the dynamic capabilities and support systems already in place, we propose to create Roleplay and Simulation features that prioritize Specific Language Functions to train all the main Language Skills. These simulations and roleplays should create learning experiences that achieve results with less repetition than traditional methods. Scenarios will be designed to be highly relevant to the users to maximize engagement and learning outcomes.



