LingoStand’s Focused Growth: Invite Friends, Get Extended Trials, & Shape the Future

Hello LingoStand Family!

I am very happy with how LingoStand is turning out, the feedback I am receiving from how is changing user’s learning language learning together with the usage data makes it clear to me that this is turning into a pretty intersting and unique learning experience.

However it is also clear that we are not done, and LingoStand needs more work and focus to be able improve students level faster and in a more interesting way.

Thanks to feedback from users and my own learning journey, the next steps for LingoStand are more clear than ever.

This is why, from April 16th LingoStand free trial and signups will be limited to invitation only

This focused approach will let me:

  • Develop the product faster: By removing current efforts to sell the product, and putting them in development.
  • Dive Deep into Your Feedback: I’m eager to hear directly from you! Your input will be the driving force behind LingoStand’s improvements. I’ll be having in-depth conversations with many of you to truly understand your needs
  • Refine Features Meticulously: With a smaller user base, I can tailor features specifically to your needs.
  • Develop Content and Videos to answer common questions : More usecase are covered already than people realize. The combination of AI with traditional software unlocks usecases that are hard to imagine. I will be creating multiple small-1-minute videos to communicate these new ways of learning as we dicover them.

The Benefits for our current users:

As a valued member of the LingoStand community, you’re at the forefront of this exciting step! Here’s why this is awesome:

  • Spread the LingoStand Love: You’ll be able to invite fellow language learners to join LingoStand at any time, just reach me out and I will register any new users you think will benefit from this application.
  • Gifted Extended Trials and Amazing Disccounts: I’ll be offering extended free trials to those who LingoStand resonates with, along with great discounts, so we can keep experiencing the benefits of LingoStand and improving it together.
  • Shape the Future: Your continued feedback will guide every improvement I make to LingoStand. You’ll be a true partner in this journey!
    P.S. Questions about this? I’m here for you! Reach out anytime!

Ernesto Buttó



