V4.5.0 – Simplified UI and Phonetics


Last Friday v4.5 was released! 🥳, even though this release focused on simplifying by removing many features from the UI (and backend), leaving only those validated through usage metrics and feedback, we also managed to implement some new features

Every past iteration we have made started with a guess of what user’s would want or would work, and after implementation we learned what worked and what did not…. as a result the app had a lot of very cool features that provided no real value.

New Features

Show IPA per word in the Dictionary

This one was requested for a long time by language learners that know the International Phonetics Alphabet (IPA)

The Dictonary feature now shows it’s phonetics pronunciation according to Oxford’s IPA

By seeing the IPA symbols for each word, learners can visually understand how the word is supposed to be pronounced even if they have never heard it before and gain insights into the phonology of the language they are learning

We soon will be implementing this feature for the whole sentence

Words with notes now show in the Progress view, and are eligible by the Practice Button


  • Web page update to communicate current offering
  • AI integration (Experimenting)
  • Option to store user’s pronunciation audio tests to better track progress and convert to data
  • Improvements text to speech player requested by user’s

List of removed features

Bye to good an old features that holded so much promise and dreams, thank you for all of the learnings!

  • Remove all News content that was pulled daily, analyzed and categorized
  • Removed lingo word lists specialized per functions and language levels (I think you will come back in another form in the feautuer)
  • Removed Light bulb feature that highlighted the Part of Speech per sentence
  • Removed word list summary when creating content

A Poem to the removed features

The Light Bulb’s glow, so bright and keen,

Highlighting parts of speech, a linguistic scene,

Now flickered out, its task complete,

A memory etched, a moment sweet.

Though gone from sight, their essence remains,

Lessons learned, from trials and gains,

For in their absence, clarity takes flight,

A streamlined path, bathed in new light.

So let us honor these features past,

Their contributions, forever cast,

In the tapestry of Lingostand’s embrace,

Where progress unfolds, at a steady pace.






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